I am looking for work in Taiwan. I am possibly moving with my wife to Taiwan (near Hsinchu city) and I am looking for employment. She will be teaching English. I have not finished my degree so I can not legally teach english while over there. Since I am in the states it is kinda hard to find a job in Taiwan for someone with no degree. My experience is managing restaurants, and working with people (I currently work with youth in a church). The thing is I need to know ASAP as we need to make our decision in the next few days. She will only be making 600 ntd an hour and working 21 hrs a week. Plus substitute teaching on the side.... I dont think that will be enough.
Taiwan - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know much about your legal status to work since you're married to someone who works here. I don't know what kind of job you can find. If you don't get any answers here, you may also want to try www.forumosa.com They have a Work questions page that always brings good answers for me. Matt
2 :
Don't know what kind of job you want to do. Post your resume and try to find an employer can offer documents that you can apply work permit and work legal: http://www.104.com.tw/service_eng.htm good luck.
3 :
Not sure but you might be able to work on a spousal visa
4 :
Ok, you may still have the option of taking chinese classes to get your visa. You can also try and get your visa by working at a bushiban that will take you. Check out http://www.tealit.com <wow -I have an imitator! LOL! Hey mattfromasia nice name!>
5 :
You cannot work at all on a spousal visa. You cannot get a work visa unless you already have a job, and there are very few jobs that foreigners are allowed to do. Some people work for western companies, but they were already employed in the USA or wherever. You already know that you cannot teach English unless you have a degree or a diploma. Some people work illegally.