I'm an taiwan born asian american and I would like to go back to taiwan, live and work there. Although I'm fluent in mandarin conversationally...I can barely read or write. Although I'm currently trying to pick up my reading and writing chinese; IF there are opportunities for asian americans, I would like to spend some time there first learning how to read and write chinese. Are there any possibilities for me to work there? Any websites in which companies post their desire to hire asian americans? Is this desire even possible? I can definitely live there...all of my relatives live there and there is an apartment for me if I wanted. It's just the matter of job
Taiwan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are interested there is always the english teaching industry. They are always hunting for ABT's to teach the kids, and the schools love you because you dont need the complex Alien Resident Certification procedures. If you are interested in that area you can easily pick up a job teaching english and get your 'joining family' visa. Checkout http://tealit.com for job listings in your family's vicinity. If teaching kids doesnt interest you likely you have a very good shot in the adult teaching industry. Many ABTs come back to do real jobs as well. Depending on your background, if you have a finance background it should be easy for you to pick something up or to contract out some computer web based design type stuff. I wouldnt recommend returning yet for construction type jobs or hard labor type jobs. Unless you are an architect or engineer. The majority of undesired labor type jobs tend to be contracted out to poorer countries members both legal and illegal and basically the labor standards are intentionally lax in those areas. Ie safety issues and lower than living wage pay. If you are university trained in any way you should be able to find something. a good site that most Taiwanese use for job hunting is http://104.com.tw It supposedly has english as well. For english related jobs in Taiwan even if you cant speak or read Mandarin http://tealit.com For an english forum explored by expats... http://forumosa.com
2 :
I agree with the other poster. There are many opportunities for teaching English. For more information, try some of these sites:
3 :
there are a lot of international job recruiting agencies as well as head hunters that will help you find ESL jobs. Actually ESL job is a challenging one, it's not as easy as you think